
To Join CBA Wales

Membership of CBA Wales is open to individuals and Societies with an interest in archaeology. As a member you will receive:

  • A copy of our annual journal – Archaeology in Wales
  • Bi-annual newsletter and invitations to meetings, lectures and seminars
  • Opportunities to participate in and influence archaeology in Wales
  • Links to our parent body, the Council for British Archaeology

Membership subscription charges:

  • Individual membership £15.00
  • Joint / Family membership (2 people at the same address) £20.00
  • Institutional membership £25.00
  • Student membership £5.00 (digital copy only of our journal)

There are a number of ways to join CBA Wales/Cymru.

You can join the CBA UK organisation and choose Wales as your local group

You can also join CBA Wales alone, please complete and return the membership form to the membership secretary (address below) and choose your method of payment. Click here for link to membership form.

Payment by cheque: Please make cheques payable to CBA Wales and send to the membership secretary (address below).

Payment by Standing order: Please complete the form and return as directed on the form. Click here for standing order form.

Internet banking: you can make either a one off payment or set up a standing order to our account using the bank details below. Please remember to use your full name as a reference.

Lloyds Bank plc, Welshpool
CBA Wales
Sort code: 30-99-30
Account no: 00112067

Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer and would like us to claim Gift Aid on your membership fee please complete and return the gift aid form. Click here for link to Gift Aid form.

Data Protection
Your personal details will be held in accordance with the EU/UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. Click here for link to data protection members statement.

Kathy Laws
Membership Secretary, CBA Wales/Cymru.
Blaenau Ffestiniog
Gwynedd LL41 3RH