The CBA Wales/Cymru Spring Meeting 2023

Prof David Austin

The CBA Wales/Cymru Spring Meeting was hosted this year by the Abbey Cwmhir Heritage Trust.

CBA Wales/Cymru Chair Mike Green opened proceedings with an update on CBA Wales/Cymru activities. He reported on the publication of Archaeology in Wales Volume 61, the Festival of Archaeology Event at Powis Castle on 15th July and the Memorandum of Agreement recently agreed between CBA local groups and central CBA.

Mel Walters introduced us to the work of Abbey Cwmhir Heritage Trust. While the Trust is close to 40 years old, the formation of a Community Heritage Project and collaboration with the Sacred Landscapes of Medieval Monasteries Project in 2020 has brought about renewed energy.  A team of people with a wide range of skill sets has come together to take forward research on Abbey Cwmhir and its granges.

Professor David Austin then eloquently explained the collaboration in more detail. The Strata Florida Trust Research Project and the Abbey Cwmhir Trust are working under the AHRC funded Sacred Landscapes of Medieval Monasteries Project to undertake fieldwork and analysis leading to the inclusion of a study of the Abbey Cwm-hir history and landscape within the Strata Florida Trust Book Series. David took us through the results of the work thus far, placing Abbey Cwmhir in the context of Strata Florida Abbey.

Julian Ravest enlightened us as to the techniques and potential of drone flown photogrammetry for enhanced survey, recording and interpretation of archaeological earthwork features on a landscape scale, illustrated with examples of both know and newly discovered sites.

Julian Lovel brought us up to date with the post dissolution phase of Abbey Cwmhir and then ably guided us on a tour of the Abbey remains. Some interesting discussions took place about the original layout and size of the Abbey and associated buildings and the economy of the area and how that changed post dissolution.

Grateful thanks are extended to the Abbey Cwmhir Heritage Trust for their welcome and assistance in organizing the event.

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